For The Lost Ones
Director: Will Hartley @williamhartley
Cast: Mitch Morgan @mitchmogz
Cast: Gabin Kongolo @gabinkongolo
Writer: Tom Watts
Writer: Will Hartley @williamhartley
Cinematographer: Daniel Lillie @daniellilliedop
Producer: Matt Blake @mattpblake
Producer: Will Hartley @williamhartley
Casting Director: Hannah Marie Williams @hmwcasting
Editor: Tom Farmer @thomasfarmer
Focus Puller: Thomas Rosser @subsignal
Underwater Camera: Tom Farmer @thomasfarmer
Sound Recordist: Sam Turner @soundquake_uk
Art Director: Fern Leigh Albert @fernleighalbert
Art Director: Claudia Rose @claudiarose
Stylist: Claudia Rose @claudiarose
Casting Assistant: Bryony Pulizzi @bryonypulizzi
Sound Mixer: Simon Jones @simonsoundworks
Colourist: Lucrezia Pollice @lucreziapollice
Creative Consultant: Chiara Soletti
Lighting: Firebug Lighting @firebuglighting
Special thanks: Richard B. Shean @rbsheany and Sola Lights @solalights_london